Tag: sketch
DC – Batgirl
So, when you find out @MrRiktus and @Trindles_ are collaborating in some kind of holy union of arty goodness, you have to celebrate. And what better way than knocking out a little tribute sort of thing…
Marvel Classics – Spiderman
Marvel Classics – The Incredible Hulk
Marvel Classics – Storm
Jedi Master
#inktober 2017
So, I’ve never done Inktober before – mainly because I’ve always been convinced that I’d never manage a full month of drawing every single day. Also, ink scares me.
I appreciate that might sound odd, but it’s all part of not wanting to be seen as a bit rubbish – you don’t get to edit what you produce before sharing it when you work in ink, unless it’s just by not sharing it at all. But I’ve realised, that doesn’t really get you anywhere and certainly won’t harden that artistic shell.
That’s why I decided I’d give it a go this year. I still don’t know whether I’ll manage all 31 days, but I’ll give it a go. Here are the first five days; usually, I’d try and justify why these aren’t very good but on this occasion, I think not.
Day 03 – The Green Man, Trumpington, Cambridge
Day 05 – Slightly non-plussed alien dude