Category: Artwork
So, I’ve been trying to make progress on my next comic but, frankly, it’s painfully slow. I seem to be working, like, a lot lately and struggling to find time to draw or write. And when there is a little time, once the thirst of the eternal list of the DIY purgatory has been slaked, I’m too knackered to do anything worthwhile.
That said, it’s not like I haven’t done anything. There’s been a lot of thinking and that’s good at least. I’ve also been thinking about the art style of the book and creating characters to populate the world; I thought I’d share some here.
I’m thinking black and white. Not really because of the expense, but more because “one thing at a time”! It’s enough to deal with the artwork and the script let alone attempting the pit of despair that is colouring…
Feel free to let me know what you think about any of these btw.
If you’re interested, it’s set in the future. In a world where economics and climate change have forced almost everyone into huge cities, all humanity packed into a tinder box of overcrowded, desperate lives. Where religion used to play the lead role in survival but now has fallen to the decadence of commerce. In this world, the further up the social ladder you are, the further up you live. You have light and air and all things sweet. Below, deep below, there are things that no-one wants to see, but that make the world tick irrespective of people’s preference for not acknowledging they’re there.
DC – Batgirl
So, when you find out @MrRiktus and @Trindles_ are collaborating in some kind of holy union of arty goodness, you have to celebrate. And what better way than knocking out a little tribute sort of thing…
Marvel Classics – Spiderman
Marvel Classics – The Incredible Hulk
Marvel Classics – Storm
Marvel Classics – Psylocke
I mostly draw original characters. Not really sure why. I guess there’s a sense of freedom in that – no-one but me knows what those characters are meant to look like so I can’t be wrong, right? Well, maybe. But to continue the theme of trying (and mostly failing) not to worry what people might think of my work, I figured I’d start drawing some well known characters so that everyone can judge the hell out of my art…why not, eh?
J.AKE – Page 05
Grown up Harry Potter
I know it’s not everyone’s cup of tea, but, honestly, I really enjoyed the books and the films weren’t bad either. So, I decided to wait a few years and then draw Harry all grown up and out on some deadly auror mission. I’m nothing if not bag up to date me…
I did this quite a while ago but I was looking for something to post while I’m working on the next page of my web comic J.AKE which is hurtling towards completion…youbetcha!